New site
I revamp my personal site about once a year - it is a pretty fun way to explore frontend technologies outside of work.
So far most of the things I've tried are static site generators and web frameworks: jekyll, hugo, gatsby, next.js, astro. This year, I'm on a minimalist streak:
- my site is a single ~12kb html page. It is heavily inspired by hack.css and tinygrad's website, and uses colours from catppuccin mocha.
- I ditched the minimised distributions of hack.css, and reimplemented just the relevant CSS from scratch. This saved me ~10kb.
- I ditched google analytics (~30kb) for cloudflare web analytics (~7kb). But this means I have to use cloudflare pages instead of github pages, which is fine I guess.
- I'm using bearblog for blogging.
Let's see how long this setup lasts!